Entries from 2016-11-01 to 1 month


今日は日本語で、Interceptorを使ってどうやってログインやセッションを管理するかを記録。 問題点: 1. Interceptorを使う際のinjectionエラー 2. そのinterceptorのTestを書くときのエラー 3. 多数のinterceptorを使う際の順番問題 まずは全体的のclassを…

The most basic about MongoDB

This artcile introduces th basic operation of MongoDB from install to run: Install on MacOS: brew install mongodb Run: First, create data directory. By default, the mongod process uses the /data/db directory. mkdir -p /data/db Then run the…


今回は日本語でなるべく簡単にlog4j2について話したいと思う。 まずはじめに、loggerと聞くとまぁだいたいログを作るもんだなーって感じがある。 例えばコンパイルの時とかアプリがrunnigしている時。 最初はこのloggerというものに自分の想像があり、それは…


初めての日本語のエントリー。 今週の土曜日はプログラミング勉強会をした。 内容はPHPをゼロから学ぶと同時にプログラミングを理解して行く会、みたいな。 ここで自分が感じたことを何点か書いておく: CでもJAVAでもPHPでも、プログラミング言語というもの…

The importance of ORDER BY in SQL query

This is what just happend yesterday during my work time. I have two tables in my database, one is topic, another is user. What I want to do is, I want to fetch a topic list with the user who created that topic. Here is my original idea: st…

How to solve file conflict while using git&github

Today, I will use images to explain how to slove conflict while using github. There are many git or github related tutorials, but I could't find the one that suitable for me, which means none of them can make me understand. So, I asked my …

How to use "joined table" in MySQL

Today, I would like to write down one basic approach on handling the "joined table". What is "joined table"? My understanding of "joined table" is that you "combine" two tables into one table. We use JOIN to join two tables together. First…

My first blog

So, after 7 months and 3 days of my work life, I finally created a "blog" and about to record my... life? Let's say "coder life". I used to write diaries but they never last long. I will try to write this as possible as I can. This may be …